Premises Liability

Choosing The Right Premises Liability Attorney

Since its beginning, Fisher Maas Howard Lloyd and Wheeler has defended premises liability claims against all types of property owners, occupiers and managers. We have represented, for example, shopping centers, construction sites, service stations, grocery chains, hair salons, bars, restaurants, nursing homes, apartment complexes and office buildings. We have considerable experience in analyzing the liability issues that arise in premises claims, from something as simple as tripping over a rug to complicated defect issues arising from faulty design, negligent maintenance, inadequate security, unclear warnings and inadequate lighting.  Our attorneys are adept at defending the nature and extent of injuries involved in these claims, from broken fingers to loss of life. Each of our premises liability attorneys has trial experience in this area of the law.

Contact Us

Our Attorneys Practicing Premises Liability Law

Rebecca J. Maas


Kimberly E. Howard


Marc Lloyd


Steve Wheeler


Michael Rogers


Aimee Rivera Cole


When Experience Matters Most (317) 578-1900